Welcome Players! Read below for the Week 38 Update.
Habit Tracker
Training Log
Skill Practice
Golf Performance
Habit Tracker
A pretty solid week at the range with 3 range sessions. Wasn’t up to par with my putting practice but I was away for the weekend so didn’t fret about it to much.
I’m honestly OK with not putting as much when I’m going to the range more.
I know that without practice I can’t get better but my real goal is to work on ONE aspect of my game every day, so if I’ve spent 2 hours going to the range it’s more difficult for me to get up for another 30 min at night with the putter.
Definitely one area still to be improved but for now I’m happy with how I’m balancing it.
Training Log
Resistance Train (Gym): 2
Conditioning (Road Bike): 1
Is this section getting boring? Good. That’s what consistency looks like.
Skill Practice
That past two weeks I got an encrypted message from my coach.
He essentially told me I will forever be relegated to an average, below-par golfer if I didn’t learn how to get my hands higher at the top of the backswing and then learn how to rotate (dropping the hands to shallow out the club) before making impact.
Message received loud and clear, so that’s the only thing I’ve been drilling at the range.
Get into the top backswing position, pause, do that twice, then step up to the ball and hit.
Over and over and over again.
Until it feels like my hands going high are automatic.
You can see throughout the course of practice the beginning gets good, then it slowly trails off as I shift my focus to concentrate more on ball flight than on internal body position.
I’ll need continued work on this for a few more weeks at the least to really learn the movement and get to a point where I don’t have to concentrate on it so much, but for now I already see the value in what the change is going to do for my swing both in terms of efficiency and accuracy.
Golf Performance
No rounds last week unfortunately. Hoping to get back out soon.
Coming off my career low I felt renewed interest to continue to perform, but it was a good wake-up call having my coach tear into me about my technique being far below where it should be.
Yes, I shot an 89. No, it wasn’t pretty.
He made it clear that I have the ability to be shooting low EVERY. TIME. 80’s for sure, but eventually 70’s.
But I won’t be able to get there with an inefficient swing like I have now. Spending the time to learn correctly and set up a better foundation for the future of my career is necessary.
Of course that comes with a natural waxing and waning of interest as it relates to certain parts of the game, one thing that makes golf such an amazing sport is there’s always something you could be working on. Which, if you’re a positivity preacher like me, allows you to keep the progress mindset without succumbing to boredom.
And so, as I’ve reached a significant milestone, it’s back to the grindstone again trying to not come so steep in the downswing. I think once I’ve gotten this move to a consistent part of my swing, the 79-score-watch is going to go on high alert.
Back to work.
I know you can shoot consistently in low 80’s!!!